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Event Reviews

Concerts & Events

Otep - Generation Doom Tour

Otep - Generation Doom Tour
Q & Z Expo Center
Ringle, Wisconsin
April 23, 2016

Otep - Generation Doom Tour

It’s not often that you get a really solid metal tour hitting Wisconsin. Especially one that features a number of Femme Metal Acts. When I first heard about it, I have to admit,I didn’t know much, if anything, about Otep; my focus is generally on other geographic parts of the globe. And when I saw that it was being held in Ringle, Wisconsin, I had serious concerns about how solid a show this would be. You see, I’d never heard of Ringle, Wisconsin, and neither had anyone else I know in Wisconsin. Which is understandable; Ringle is outside Wausau in the northern part of the state. It’s essentially a cow pasture. But, there was once a school there, out in a cow pasture, which has, for some unknown reason, become a concert venue of sorts, complete with black boards and a cafeteria (now serving beer). But, we did some planning and agreed that Deb Freytag would shoot the show the previous evening in Minnesota. . . she’s a much better photographer than I am. . . and I would cover it the next night and write the article.

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Nightwish & Delain Tour

  • Category: Concerts & Events
  • Published: June 06 2016
  • By C. & John Thornburgh
  • Hits: 12076

Nightwish/Delain Tour Review
2016 USA Tour


Nightwish & Delain Tour
Delain soundcheck (Photo by C.)

Part One: Anaheim, CA (March 12th, 2016)

John: I was lucky enough to attend the tour twice: first in Anaheim, California (near Disneyland). The bands were excited that the 1700-capacity venue, the Grove, was sold out. And the crowd was clearly excited, lining up early, jumping, screaming, waving, and singing along with the bands. Of course, there were lots of Nightwish shirts, but also lots of Delain shirts, which is great for an opening band and bodes well for their plans to headline soon.

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