MFVF 11 – Music Review
Wieze, Belgium October 18 – 20
We covered some of the acts that performed at MFVF XI in another article that looked at some of the newer names. In this article, we’ll take a look at the rest, there were a total of, well, depends on how you count them. There were actually 12 groups performing on Saturday, 10 on Sunday with Liv Kristine opening the event on Friday evening followed by individual performances by the Eve’s Apples girls in small groups. So, in this article the Sonic Cathedral staff will talk about the rest of the performers.

Clementine & Laura (Pictured)
Read more: MFVF XI - High Water Mark
Female Metal Show @Toulouse, FR
This year was the second edition of the Female Metal Show in Toulouse that gathered five female fronted Metal bands, all coming from different parts of France. I rarely go to Toulouse, but after that night, I definitely had no regrets about traveling so far for it.

The opening band of that night was a Melodic Metal band from Toulouse called Theopsya. Created in 2006, they released one EP called Tales of an Angel in 2011, and are currently working on their first album. I didn’t know them at all before that night, so this was a totally new discovery (many people in the audience already knew them, since most of them were from the same place as them).
Read more: Female Metal Show @Toulouse