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Event Reviews

Concerts & Events

Therion (and others) – Metal Meeting

Therion (and others) – Metal Meeting
@ Effenaar Eindhoven (Netherlands)
Saturday 14 December 2013


For me the first day of the Metal Meeting Eindhoven, for quite some visitors already the third day full of Metal. This event started in 2009 as a single day event using both stages of the Effenaar. It has now grown to a three day event with almost 50 unknown and well-known bands. Like always the number of female fronted bands is limited at this kind of festival. In total 4 female fronted bands were scheduled. Izegrim (NL) was playing on Thursday and on Saturday Arkona (RU), Asrai (NL) and Therion (SWE) played. The last is not female fronted in the full sense but the female singers play a significant role in the show.



Read more: Therion (and others) – Metal Meeting

Within Temptation – Hydra Release Events

  • Category: Concerts & Events
  • Published: March 01 2014
  • By Various SC Staff
  • Hits: 15972

Within Temptation – Hydra Release Events
Written by John Thornburgh, C., and Justin Boyer


Since it has been a while since Within Temptation last played the U.S., it came as a happy surprise when the band announced in January that they would host release parties for their new album Hydra in Los Angeles and New Jersey (near New York City). Three members of the Sonic Cathedral staff jumped at the opportunity (and more wished they could). Details of our adventures follow…

Within Temptation


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Tarja Turunen Live!

Tarja Turunen
@Lyon FR (06/02/2014) & Vevey, CH (15/02/2014)



After more than two years, Tarja was finally back in Lyon as part of her promotion of her latest album Colours in the Dark. This time, she was once again playing in Le Transbordeur venue, and the band support was the French band Elyose, who not only opened all Tarja's concerts in France, but also in the Netherlands and in England.



Read more: Tarja Turunen Live!