Category: Band Interviews
Published: August 23 2016
By Robin Stryker
Hits: 6713
High Fighter Interview
June 2016 (via Skype)

With a band name like High Fighter, one might expect Scars & Crosses to be a stoner soundtrack for a mellow night of bong rips. Hah, guess again! Scars & Crosses is a full-throttle, raucous album that refuses to tidily fit within the stoner, sludge, doom, or desert rock genres, although all of those elements certainly are present. Here is a band that brings the same simmering energy to their studio album, as they do to their live shows. Go forth, and head-bang!
Read more: High Fighter Interview
Category: Band Interviews
Published: June 13 2016
By Robin Stryker
Hits: 8390
Evig Natt Interview
May 14, 2016 (via Skype)
2016 is shaping up to be a year in which long-dormant bands emerge from hibernation to introduce themselves to a new generation of metal fans. The Norwegian gothic doom band, Evig Natt (Norwegian for “eternal night”) returns from a six-year hiatus with their third studio album, Evig Natt. The album is something of a study in contradictions -- Kirsten Jørgensen’s clean vocals playing off against Stein Roger Sund’s growls, lush orchestral passages on some tracks with pared-down instrumental work on other tracks, hauntingly melancholy songs, and some might catchy choruses. Yet, despite the diversity of its tracks, the album hangs together as a cohesive whole, and reveals more of itself with repeated listens.
Read more: Evig Natt Interview