Category: Band Interviews
Published: June 21 2015
By Robin Stryker
Hits: 16274
Cradle of Filth / Unleash the Archers
(via Skype)
Well, this is a first for Sonic Cathedral. Instead, of Robin Stryker relentlessly tormenting bands with interview questions, we invited two very special guests -- Lindsay Schoolcraft (female vocalist and keyboardist of the British metal band, Cradle of Filth) and Brittney Slayes (vocalist for the Vancouver-based metal band, Unleash The Archers) -- to torment each other. Because Lindsay and Brittney hail from a country famous for having the world’s most polite citizens, they cheerfully agreed to be our guinea pigs, but opted for a love-fest rather than a blood-fest.

Read more: Face-Off Challenge: Cradle of Filth & Unleash The Archers
Category: Band Interviews
Published: May 15 2015
By Robin Stryker
Hits: 6493
Worhol Interview
March 2015 (via Skype)

The father-daughter band, Worhol, first came to Sonic Cathedral’s attention through our roving Jim Wilkinson, who caught one of their local Texas shows. He was swept up by their music and stage presence, so when their The Awakening debut hit the streets, we didn’t waste any time in chatting with Ashley Worhol (vocals) and Larry Worhol (guitars) to find out more. Dive in for a behind the scenes look at The Awakening, Worhol’s upcoming video, bouncing back when the inevitable tour disaster strikes, and much more!
Read more: Worhol Interview