Gathering, The - Mandylion
Gathering, The - CD Review

CD Info
Century Media
Century Media
8 Tracks:
English lyrics
English lyrics
OK. What I'm about to do is very difficult. I could almost say pointless, because trying to give a balanced unbiased review of this album is like trying to give a balanced unbiased view on ratatouille. I feel strongly about both, but in opposite ways.
However, though I hate ratatouille with a passion [yeah yeah, I just haven't been given a good one - *insert obvious sexual innuendo*], I am passionately in love with this album. It's that strength of feeling we're talking about. And I know I'm not alone. In fact, I'm so in love with it, that, if all my CDs were stolen by gnomes, but they left this behind, I probably wouldn't have too big a fit. Though, maybe just a tiny one.
Though Mandylion only has eight tracks, it is a masterpiece. It is definitely a case of less is more. I remember hearing the first few bars of Strange Machines and knowing that there was something pretty special here. But it just got better, Eleanor, In Motion [#1 and #2], Leaves, Sand And Mercury....these are all exceptional songs sung exceptionally, and Anneke's voice sounds better on this album than on any of their others. The music here has a wonderful depth and though it's heavy, a smooth grace. It is the perfect pinnacle of gothic metal, and became the authority for many other bands, too. Now if that doesn't sound good enough, then we should all give up and drown ourselves in the mainstream.