Unleash the Archers - Defy the Skies

CD Info
Spread the Metal Records - Independent
3 Tracks
Lyrics in English
Unleash The Archers have literally come out of nowhere, aka western Canada, with one and only mission: to blow your mind and tickle your ear drums. With previous releases “Behold The Devastation” and “Demons Of The Astrowaste” they have shown underground metal fans that there is no limit to being diverse. Their sound is distinct where they find the optimal moment to fuse death metal and power metal perfectly. They are also unafraid to add in other metal subgenre elements that turn their music into a must have and listen worthy. They are fronted by super-siren Brittney Slayes along with her army of tactful warriors: Brady D. and Grant Truesdell on Guitar and Vocals, Brad Kennedy on Bass, and Scott Buchanan on Drums.
“Defy The Skies” is a smart little release of 3 songs that carry on their sound and catchy melodies. “The Path Unsought” starts with atmospheric guitars and Brittney’s powerful pipes. She really displays some emotion here. The lyrics give hint to a fallen soldier who has taken the path less beaten. They paint a vision of his forlorn journey. Then the whole band bursts in and they carry you away to power metal wonderland where they again bring in growls tastefully. It’s melodic and serious, but fun and windmill worthy. Especially in this tune’s final break down where you’ll hear the band’s courageous death to power metal fusion. Metal noobs; take note. “Upon Ashen Wings” has one of the most brilliant power metal introductions I’ve heard yet. Damn you have to love how Brittney takes the bull by the horns and gives her high notes her all! The guitars contrast so well between chugs and high melodic solos. Gang vocals, growls, and the imagery of riding your pet fire breathing dragon through the sky! What more could you ask for?! Oh right, a sweet break down where their drummer Scott shows off his chops. This band is truly strong in all its elements when it comes to its members. It ends with Brittney’s belts soulfully counter-pointing with their slick lead guitars. “Soulstorm” starts out fun and melodic, reminiscent to some of Europe’s best power metal legends, the influence truly shows! The chorus opens up and is catchy while the verses are serious and could easily be placed into any musical theatre scenery. Again the whole band shines on this track.
How Unleash The Archers released this EP was rather interesting. From the weeks of July 5th to 19th every Thursday they released a new track for stream and purchase on their band camp website. They also have a limited pressed 7” vinyl up for grabs for you collector geeks and freaks. As a huge fan of this band I also suggest you get your hands on their first two albums “Behold The Devastation” and “Demons Of The Astrowaste” especially if you are a power metal buff. You won’t be disappointed ;) Oh and stand out tracks on this release? ALL OF THEM!
8 / 10